Couple Candle Abhimantrit

Original price was: ₹551.00.Current price is: ₹251.00.

The Couple Candle is a beautifully crafted candle that symbolizes the bond between two individuals. It is designed to be used by couples during romantic or intimate moments, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere that enhances the connection between partners.

This candle is made with a blend of high-quality ingredients that have been carefully selected to create a relaxing and soothing ambiance. When lit, the candle releases a subtle fragrance that enhances the romantic mood and creates a sense of warmth and intimacy.

The Couple Candle is also a popular choice for wedding ceremonies and anniversary celebrations. It is the perfect gift for couples who want to deepen their connection and strengthen their bond.

At Tantra Bazaar, we are committed to creating products that are not only beautiful but also of the highest quality. Each Couple Candle is handcrafted with care and attention to detail to ensure that it is a product that you can be proud to use and gift to others.

Light up the Couple Candle and create an intimate and romantic atmosphere that will help you to connect with your partner on a deeper level.

Product Information

The Couple Candle is a beautifully crafted candle that symbolizes the bond between two individuals. It is designed to be used by couples during romantic or intimate moments, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere that enhances the connection between partners.

This candle is made with a blend of high-quality ingredients that have been carefully selected to create a relaxing and soothing ambiance. When lit, the candle releases a subtle fragrance that enhances the romantic mood and creates a sense of warmth and intimacy.

The Couple Candle is also a popular choice for wedding ceremonies and anniversary celebrations. It is the perfect gift for couples who want to deepen their connection and strengthen their bond.

At Tantra Bazaar, we are committed to creating products that are not only beautiful but also of the highest quality. Each Couple Candle is handcrafted with care and attention to detail to ensure that it is a product that you can be proud to use and gift to others.

Light up the Couple Candle and create an intimate and romantic atmosphere that will help you to connect with your partner on a deeper level.



12 kg


6.5 × 3 × 2.2 cm


यह candle को व्यक्ति विशेष एवं कार्य विशेष हेतु तैयार कर अभिमंत्रित करके दिया जाता है ।

प्रेषण अवधि

किसी भी सामग्री को अभिमंत्रित करने में 2 दिन का समय लग सकता है, इस वजह से सामग्री आर्डर प्राप्ति से 2 दिन बाद याने तीसरे दिन कोरियर द्वारा भेजी जाएगी एवं उसकी सुचना कोरियर रसीद के साथ आपको मेसेज, व्हाट्सएप्प या कॉल पर देदी जाएगी ।

सामग्री हेतु अस्वीकरण अनुरोध

हमारी तरफ से सामग्रियाँ पूर्णतः शुद्ध और ऊर्जान्वित ( अभिमंत्रित ) करके दी जाती है, उनका परिणाम व्यक्ति की भावना, उद्देश्य एवं सदउपयोग पर निर्भर करता है। 100 में से 99 लोगो को इसका अच्छा परिणाम मिलता है, अपितु किसी 1 को नहीं भी मिल पाता, व्यक्ति किस उद्देश्य या भावना से इसका उपयोग करना चाहता है, यह उसकी नीयत, गृह दशाएं, भाग्य, एवं प्रारब्ध पर निर्भर करता है। यदि उद्देश्य या भावना सही नहीं है और प्रकृति या भगवान की मर्जी किसी काम में नहीं रहती, तो इसका परिणाम नहीं भी मिल पाता । हमारी तरफ से सामग्री को ऊर्जान्वित करने में कोई कमी नहीं रहती, व इसका सकारात्मक परिणाम मिलना ना मिलना ये भगवान के हाथ में है, हम केवल भगवान के सेवक मात्र है स्वयं भगवान नहीं, कर्म करना हमारा काम है फल देना भगवान के हाथ में है, कोई भी सामग्री या वस्तु केवल आपकी सहायता मात्र है पूर्णतः सामग्रियों और उपायों के अधीन ना रहें, धन्यवाद।

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